
Thursday 18 May 2017

I don't like rainy day

snow.gifI don’t like rainy days especially when you step in  puddle and when   your shoes get wet.Sometimes you fall because it is to slippery and you might hurt yourself. I don’t like rainy days because you can get sick and sometimes there are hayle stones when it rains it's cold,muddy and always wet.I don’t like it when it's wet because my clothes get wet and I don’t like going to school with wet clothes. Sometimes rain is exciting but most of the times not so much some people like rain but I don’t because you get dirty and you feel very damp and that's why I don’t like rainy days.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

        Skipping is a cheap and
              exciting way to get fit.
                  I think that it is good to do skipping for fitness because you can do different  skipping styles and  you also get fit and strong. I think that you can also make yourself healthy as well and it is very exciting to do.   I think that you can also tell your friends, families and next door neighbours to do it with you because it is very good to do and if you do fitness all the time you will be healthy and strong.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Netball Coaching


            Netball Coaching

We were so excited to get netball coaching because I  like to play netball but I’m not very good at it.Today we learnt how to do chest pass, bounce pass, shoulder pass and over head pass.I enjoyed playing netball and sometimes we play some games and I learnt a lot about netball .It was  amazing time at netball with the coaches.  We had some funny moments too and I enjoyed it.

Thursday 4 May 2017

Swimming sports

Swimming sports

Last Friday it was cool and fun because it was swimming
sports and parents came to watch their children swim.

First we did breaststroke then we did free style and then we did back stroke. When my name got called I was so  nervous to go swimming.The seniors and parents were cheering for their children who were swimming.My nana  and my brothers and my cousins came to support me swimming.It was exciting because so many people came a tie  in there races.After that we had a competition to see who could hold their breath the longest under the water.And we had to show off our skills.Some of the kids made,it all the way and they held their breath for ages.

Finally we had our sausage sizzle to eat and an ice block and our drink.I liked the drink because it was frozen.I really enjoyed the swimming sports and I did well in the
races too.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Whanganui In the holiday.

In the holiday I had lots of fun with my 2 cousins and my aunty in Whanganui. They picked me up on Friday at 2.14.

The next morning on Saturday we left Auckland early to travel a long way to Whanganui. My bags were already packed and all we needed to pack was the blankets, just incase we get cold in the ride. We said bye to our family and then  we were off to Whanganui. It took us about 3 hours to get to get there and it was a very boring drive because my aunty just kept on driving and we did nothing exciting in the car. When we got to Whanganui I saw my uncle who just finished his work and he was so excited to see me that he gave me a big hug. My aunty had a sleep because she was tired after driving all that way. After that we went to the go karts and it was cool there and it was so fun in Whanganui because we did lots of exciting things like watching some scary movies,visiting the Kowhai park and riding the go karts.

I felt happy that I went to Wanganui and I am looking forward to going there again for Christmas.