
Monday 25 November 2019

Fractions, percentage and decimal convert

Convert 0.875 to a percent- 0.8751 × 100100 = 87.5100=87.5%
Convert the decimal 3.025 to a percentage.3.0251 × 100100 = 302.5100=302.5%
Convert 3.5% to a decimal- 3.5 becomes 03.5. Now, you can move decimal point:
03. 5 becomes . 035 or 0.035.
Convert 18.75% to a decimal-18.75 / 100 = 0.1875
Convert ⅗ to a decimal-35=3×25×2=610=0.6.
Convert 11/20 to a decimal- 11/20 = 0.55 
Convert the decimal 0.125 to a fraction-125% = 125/100. That can be
reduced to 5/4. To convert to a decimal, you can do long division, dividing 5
into 4.Or,
you can realize 5/4 = 1 and ¼.
Express ⅝ as a percent- 0.625 = 62.5%
Express 17/25  as a percent- 17/25 in percent = 17 ÷ 25 ×
100% =0.68 ×
100% = 68%
Express 5% as a fraction-1/20
Express 32% as a fraction-8/25